Annual Report 2023
- January 17, 2025
Supporting Our Members and All Transportation Labor
We welcome you to examine our 2023 Annual Report. In these pages, you’ll see that LECMPA continues to earn accolades by its members for its protection, service, and care. We do things differently than our competitors, listening to our members and their labor representatives when they experience a setback. No cause of discipline automatically excludes consideration of payment. Our track record proves that we go the distance for you and your family.
It is most satisfying to gain greater recognition from our friends at the labor organizations for the important work we do on behalf of our mutual members. You’ll note that we continue to promote the training and education of elected union officers heavily, the very people you entrust to protect your workplace rights. Our partnership with the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes, now in its second year, continues to foster shared understandings and an appreciation among their wider membership for the quality and reliability of our insurance. This year, the leadership of the International Association of Machinists, District 19, announced their desire to introduce our insurance to their members formally.
LECMPA wishes to acknowledge and thank our member-owners for the continued trust placed in all the good people who make our Association possible: a 114-year-old institution of, for, and by its members that operates counter to modern trends. We are one big family comprising every railroad craft and many other transportation trades: solidarity in word and deed.
You can read more about these and other exciting enhancements by reading our 2023 Annual Report.